How to take care of a scratch wound effectively?

What is a scratch wound?

When the skin is directly rubbed with rough, sharp surfaces, it will cause open wounds on the skin called abrasions. Most of these wounds don’t bleed much, but they can be painful because they will sometimes touch or expose a lot of nerve endings in the skin.

Along with that, scratches usually won’t be as serious as incisions or cuts, so they can be treated at home. This scratch wound  is very common and can appear in many parts and locations on the body such as:

  • Elbow area
  • Knee
  • Leg
  • Shocked fish eyes
  • The parts on the limbs

What are the symptoms of broken skin?

Scratches can range from mild to severe. Symptoms will depend on the type of scratch:

  • Scratches 1: are lesions on the surface of the epidermis, often referred to as peeling or abrasions. This condition is usually mild and will not cause bleeding either.
  • Scratches 2. has damaged the epidermis and dermis, so it will cause slight bleeding.
  • 3. This type of abrasion is usually friction related and will also affect the tissue layer below the dermis, with this grade can cause severe bleeding and require prompt medical attention. .

How to take care of a wound that heals quickly?

What causes scratches?

Falling from a car is one of the most common causes of hand and foot scratches. Along with that, skin chafing can also occur whenever your skin is subjected to direct friction with a rough/rough surface. Not only that, sometimes just contact with a fast-moving object can also cause scratches on the skin.

The basic and most common first aid for minor scratches on the skin includes the following steps:

  • Clean the wound with mild soap and clean water or a mild disinfectant solution
  • Ointment/antibiotics can be applied on the wound
  • Use dry, sterile gauze to cover the wound to prevent dirt/bacteria from entering.
  • Clean, check the wound regularly and change the bandage 1-2 times daily or when the bandage is dirty or splashed with dirty water, until the scratch heals completely.

For severe skin abrasions, you need to be examined by a doctor and get medical attention.

Also, after you’ve been scratched, you should get a tetanus shot or your last shot was too long. Tetanus is an acute infectious disease in which the muscles contract spontaneously. The spores of the bacteria that produce the tetanus toxin are present in the natural environment, so any dirt/debris that gets on broken skin such as scratches is at risk. develop tetanus.

Once the wound has healed, you can stop using topical antibiotics and use a moisturizer instead to keep your skin soft.

Scratch wound control?

How to care for a scratch wound to heal quickly and to limit leaving bad scars, you will need to note a few things:

  • Treat the wound as soon as possible to reduce the risk of a scar forming.
  • Make sure to keep the wound clean.
  • Avoid touching or hitting the affected area while the wound is healing.

How to care for a scratch wound- When to see a doctor?

You should see a doctor if your scratched wound experiences the following unusual signs:

  • Bleeding continues even after you stop the bleeding.
  • Heavy or heavy bleeding
  • An accident or severe trauma causes open wounds on the skin

See your doctor right away if you suspect your scratch is infected. If an infection is left untreated, it can spread and affect your health much more seriously.

Your doctor can clean and bandage the wound, and may also prescribe oral or topical antibiotics to treat or prevent infection. In severe cases, you may need surgery to remove the skin and surrounding areas.

Pay attention to hygiene care for scratched skin

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before disinfecting or applying cream in the care  of a scratched wound .
  • Disinfect the skin as soon as the wound appears to limit the friction between the wound and clothing. Wear comfortable clothing until the wound is tender.
  • Absolutely do not use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect, choose a milder antiseptic because oxygen will kill healthy and new tissue. How to care for scratched wounds  with hydrogen peroxide is also very easy to make scars have a bad color.

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