How to take care of the wound without leaving a scar at home is simple, extremely effective

How does the skin heal after injury?

– The first stage will appear blood and inflammation at the wound site. When the skin is damaged, the blood vessels present on the skin are damaged. From there, it will form an alarm signal to the platelet cells, helping the platelet cells to gather into a plug to seal the wound. In these platelet cells contain mediators to Turns platelets into blood clots, helping to prevent bacteria from getting inside.

The second stage is the formation of new tissue by the growth of cells.

The third stage is the regeneration of the epidermis, which helps to form a new protective layer of skin.

A normal wound that goes through these 3 stages will heal but will leave a very bad scar at the site of the wound.

How to take care of the wound without leaving a scar

Maintain cleanliness

Wounds formed due to surgery, accidents, burns or squeezing acne will easily leave scars on the skin if you do not know how to properly care for them. The first thing to keep in mind is to keep the wound clean.

With open wounds, you should clean them with medical alcohol, then carefully bandage them to avoid contact with dirt and dust. If it is affected by harmful factors from the outside, the wound will be susceptible to infection.


+ Use clean water to wash the wound regularly with antiseptic solution and tools. 

+ Wash your hands before touching the wound, limit not touching the wound to avoid causing infection. Except when using medicine or washing, absolutely do not touch the wound with your hands or anything, this will increase the risk of infection and leave dirt on the skin, increasing the likelihood of formation. bad scars.

+ If the wound is scaly, it should not be deliberately peeled off, it may cause you to have an uncomfortable itching that peels off. Absolutely do not peel that scab off early, it will create conditions for bacteria to enter the body and form larger scars later.

Reasonable diet

Foods to eat:

– Supplement to enhance protein and zinc in daily foods. Seafood, soybeans, pork liver, soybeans, cereals, peanuts will provide a large amount of protein and zinc for the body, helping to accelerate the healing and skin regeneration process.

– Vitamin C is abundant in fruits: grapefruit, oranges, tangerines will provide necessary nutrients to enhance the skin’s ability to heal itself and immunity. Along with that, this vitamin C also provides moisture to keep the skin from drying out, making it soft and elastic.

– Adding B vitamins found in milk, cauliflower, mushrooms, strawberries, and cucumbers will help increase the self-healing ability of the wound.

– Use more ginger, wormwood in daily meals: ginger will have the effect of preventing scars, wormwood helps to heal the scars that have formed on the skin, significantly preventing the formation of concave and concave scars.

Foods to avoid:

– Sticky food: to prevent the wound from swelling, pain, and scarring later, you should not eat sticky food.

– Water spinach: Water spinach has cool, laxative properties, but when there is a wound, water spinach will stimulate excessive proliferation of collagen and elastin, causing keloid scars.

– Eggs: should not eat eggs to avoid the appearance of unsightly white young skin.

– Chicken: this food makes you more painful, limiting the process of young skin, thereby quickly forming scars.

– Use hot spicy food, dry food and stimulants: all these foods and drinks do not have vitamins which are not good for the wound being treated.

Treatment when the wound leaves a scar

Use aloe vera (aloe vera)

With aloe vera, you can use the inner white flesh to apply directly to the wound after it has scabbed and dried.

Note: should only be applied 2-3 times a week, aloe vera will stimulate cells to produce more collagen, filling concave scars.


Use creams with honey extracts for quick wound healing.

The nutrients in honey will have the effect of anti-aging, rejuvenating the skin as well as erasing dark spots and scars extremely quickly and effectively.

Once the wound is closed, use honey (or a mixture of honey + oats) lightly on the injured skin every day, about 1-2 times, keep it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with water.

 Fresh turmeric

When the wound has healed and is on young skin, fresh turmeric can be used to get water / turmeric cream to apply on the wound to help stimulate skin regeneration quickly and safely for the wound.

However, fresh turmeric is only suitable for small-shallow wounds, pregnant women should not use it.

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