Answer the question of how to take care of scratched skin without leaving scars

How to care for scratched skin – common location

Skin that is rubbed directly with rough, sharp surfaces will cause open wounds on the skin called abrasions. Most of these wounds won’t cause much bleeding, but they can be painful because many times, they will expose many of the skin’s nerve endings.

For minor scratches, which are usually not as serious as those that can be treated at home. This scratch wound condition is quite common and can appear in many places and parts of the body, such as:

  • Elbow part
  • Position on both sides of the knee
  • Lower leg/ankle part
  • The upper part of the limbs

How to care for scratched skin- expression

Scratches can range from mild to severe. Symptoms will depend on the type of scratch present on the skin:

  • Grade 1 abrasions:  This degree will only damage the outer layer of the epidermis, commonly known as peeling or scratching. This condition will usually be mild and will not cause bleeding.
  • Grade 2 abrasions: This condition can already damage the epidermis and dermis, which can cause slight bleeding.
  • Grade 3  abrasions. This grade will usually involve friction and affect the tissue layer below the dermis. You may experience very heavy bleeding and need medical attention from specialist doctors.

When do you need to see a doctor?

How to care for scratched skin, you should see a doctor if you have the following signs:

  • Bleeding continues even after stopping the bleeding
  • Heavy bleeding/lots of blood
  • An accident / severe trauma causing open wounds on the skin

See your doctor immediately if you suspect the scratch has turned into an infected wound. If the infection is not treated in time, it can spread and make your health condition much more serious.

Your doctor may clean and bandage the wound, and may prescribe oral/topical antibiotics to treat or prevent signs of infection. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to remove the skin and surrounding skin.

What causes scratches?

Car falls are the most common cause of hand and foot injuries. In addition, skin chafing can also appear whenever the skin is in direct contact with rough/or rough surfaces, sometimes when the skin is in contact with a fast moving object, additional skin may appear. scratches on the skin.

How to care for scratched skin 

What to do to heal scratches?

The most common and basic first aid method when the skin is slightly scratched on the skin includes the following steps:

  • With mild soap and clean water clean the wound / mild disinfectant solution
  • Apply more ointment/antibiotic on top of the wound
  • Use dry, sterile gauze to cover the wound to protect against bacteria
  • Clean, examine the wound and change the dressing daily until the scratch is completely healed

For severe skin abrasions, home first aid is simple and you can still be seen and cared for by a doctor.

Suitable mode of living

How to care for scratched skin: what lifestyle habits will help you control scratches?

How to take care of scratched skin: if you want the wound to heal quickly and to limit leaving scars, in the process of taking care you will need to note some of the following basic things:

  • Treat the wound as soon as possible to reduce the risk of scarring.
  • Make sure to keep the wound clean.
  • Avoid scratching, picking or poking the affected areas while the wound is healing.
  • When the wound has completely healed and the skin is young, you can use some creams of clear origin to limit bad scars from forming (as prescribed by the doctor).

How to take care of scratched skin: make sure your diet is full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to promote quick healing, fresh vegetables and fruits will also be good for you during this time.

How to care for scratched skin: you should also limit the use of some of the following foods, because there may be bad results for your wound. 

  • Chicken/seafood: cause itching
  • Water spinach: causes keloid scars
  • Sticky things: cause festering for the wound
  • Beef: causes deep scars 

Scratched skin in special places should choose to wear loose, comfortable clothes to avoid rubbing, when going out, you should shield the wound from dirt and direct sunlight because the skin is still very sensitive.


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