Nutrition plays an important role in wound care. It is a source of raw materials for new cell formation as well as helping to regenerate and repair damaged tissues.

Nutrient components such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals are essential human needs. However, each individual will have different needs depending on the nutritional status, medical condition as well as the exchange rate of each person. The following article would like to share some information about the nutritional requirements for the healing process in people with skin lesions as follows:

1.  Energy demand

Normally, each person will need about 20-35 calories / kg of body weight. This need may be less in patients with chronic disease and higher in those with hypermetabolic disease or damage to certain areas of the body. The body’s energy is created by carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in which carbohydrates provide about 50%-60% of the body’s energy, proteins provide about 20%-25% and the rest is due to lipids.

2. Protein

Protein is the raw material to form cells, collagen, proteoglycan, hormones, … – essential elements for the wound healing process. When the body is injured, the need for protein increases. An insufficient supply of protein will make the healing time take longer. In an adult, protein needs to provide about 0.8g/kg/24h for a healthy person and about 1.25-1.5g/kg/24h for an injured person. Therefore, people with skin damage should eat protein-rich foods such as eggs, milk, seafood, nuts, … so that the healing process takes place faster.

3. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates when entering the body will be converted into glucose – the main source of energy for the body, including energy for the formation and development of collagen as well as energy for phagocytosis in the inflammatory phase of the process. healing process. Keeping glucose levels within acceptable limits promotes healing. If the glucose concentration is above or below the normal limit, the healing process will be slower.

Foods with high carbohydrate content such as oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes, beets, …

4. Lipid

Lipids are necessary for the formation and stabilization of cell membranes, not only that, but they are also involved in stages of the healing process such as vasoconstriction, platelet stimulation, and inflammatory responses.

There are many types of fats, but we should only use unsaturated fats found in foods such as canola, peanuts, olives, sunflower seeds, mackerel, sardines, salmon, walnuts ,…

5. Vitamins

All vitamins are necessary for tissue regeneration and repair because they are involved in cellular metabolism. However, during the healing period, the need for vitamins A and C will be higher because they are components of collagen – an important factor in scar formation and quick wound healing.

Foods rich in vitamins A and C such as liver, carrots, pumpkin, red bell pepper, spinach, papaya, etc.

6. Minerals

Minerals such as zinc, iron, and copper all play an important role in the healing process, especially zinc because zinc is involved in the synthesis of proteins, enzymes, immune substances and collagen.

In people with normal zinc levels, no supplementation is necessary. Zinc supplementation should only be indicated when blood zinc levels decrease and should only be supplemented for 7-10 days with a dose of 220mg / day x 2 times. Incorrect zinc supplementation will disrupt phagocytic activity and decrease blood copper levels.

Zinc-rich foods such as oysters, herring, red meats, lentils, spinach, etc.

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